- Hazleton Area Cyber Academy
- Welcome
Class Information
Class Title: English Language Development
Teacher: Mr. Hassay
Email: hassayd@hasdk12.org
Room: Arts and Humanities, Room 221
- Phone: Extension 85221
Class Description
Welcome to ELD (English Language Development). This is a class designed for students to practice, develop, and improve their English abilities. This class will focus on the four areas of language...
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
Learning a language is a process. To improve our English abilities, students are expected to participate in many different types of activities including class readings, journals, projects, presentations, interviews, tests and quizzes. We will also learn new vocabulary words and English grammar.
We learn English by using it in context. Each unit will focus on a subject AND a language function. Some subjects we will cover include science, history, culture, literature, art and even math! We will learn interesting things about these subjects AND study the language we need to talk about them.
- This class is unique because it includes students from BOTH the Cyber Academy AND the Academy of Arts and Humanities. These schools have different focuses. Obviously, one is in-person, and the other is online. However, one focuses on independent work while the other focuses on project-based learning. Because this has never been done before, both the teacher and students must be flexible and cooperative to make this class work.
- 3 – 4 Block
- Cyber: 9:00 – 10:25
- Arts: 9:15 – 10:43
- 8 – 9 Block
- Cyber: 12:33 – 1:58
- Arts: 12:47 – 2:15