- Hazleton Area Career Center
- Overview
Immunizations / Vacunas
Please contact our school nurse for more information.
Attention Staff and Families
Any student or person in need of mental health crisis intervention please contact NEC at 570-455-6385, PA Mental Health Hotline - 1-855-284-2494 or Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988 or 911.
From the Guidance Dept:
1. Make sure you are periodically checking for scholarships. Scholarships are posted on our guidance website:
Guidance Website for Local Scholarships
A scholarship is monetary support awarded to a student based off academic or other criteria that may include financial need. You could apply to as many as you like, and you do not pay back money awarded to you. There are deadlines to each scholarship.
2. It's not too late to apply to college or an after HS program. Some deadlines for schools have passed, so be sure to check your schools deadlines & application requirements. Please refer to our guidenace website for after HS related programs, college information, and presentations.
Still have questions, contact your guidance counselor, or refer to their webpage.