• Arthur
    Positive Behavior
    Support at
    Arthur Street
    Elementary School


    PROUD to be me

    RESPECT for others


    DO the SAFE thing


    Huh ?What is Pride - PRIDE is the acronym used to define our school wide behavior program. We believe that children need to learn how to read, write, do math and become socially responsible. Just as we teach children to sound out words, write their names , add and subtract, we teach them what it means to be a socially responsible person. Our program teaches children how to be proud of themselves by respecting others, being ready and safe.

    Huh ?How does the program work - The school wide program is a twist on a token economy but with much deeper implications. Children are taught clearly defined expectations. These expectations are the same everywhere in the school. Children know exactly how they are expected to behave because it's clearly defined and taught.Teachers use actual behavior lesson plans to teach the skills. Everyone in the school uses the same language so the expectations are reinforced everywhere.

    Huh ?How is it reinforced - Each child is given a card with 10 paw prints. When teachers catches a child showing PRIDE, their card is punched with a hole puncher. Once the card is filled with punches, the child can buy something from the school store. Each teacher has their own school store in their classroom. Children can save the cards for bigger prizes or buy a lottery ticket. Every month we have a PRIDE celebration in the gym where we discuss how we are doing and where we can improve. At this time we have a special drawing or two for larger prizes (usually donated stuffed animals etc. from teachers)
    Huh ?Is it easy -NO! but anything that is worth while takes time, energy and practice.
    Huh ?Is that it - NO ! there is much more. Stop by and see it in action, but give us a call first, just showing up would not be showing PRIDE !