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- 2023-2024 Student Handbook English
- 2023-2024 Student Handbook Spanish
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- ID Badge Policy for Students Spanish
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- Opt Out Procedure for Keystone Exams
- Pennsylvania Graduation Requirements Act 158
- Keystone Exam Remediation
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Testing for students in grades 9-11, who would like to attend HAAS in the 2025-2026 school year, will take place during the week of April 7-11, 2025. Students who do not attend a district school need to call to make an appointment to take the test at the Academy. 570-459-3221, Ext. 88505 or 88501
Academy of Sciences Program of Studies 2024 - 2025
Free WINTER Sports Physical Sign-Up Info
HASD students must sign up for an appointment time online for a free Winter sport physical, please see an AT with any questions. These physicals will be for HASD enrolled students grades 7-12 for the 2024-2025 school year.
Date: Wednesday November 6th , 2024 4:30pm - 8:30 pmLocation: Hazleton Area High School
Times will be separated by sport. Please sign up for the time slot corresponding to your sport on the sign-up genius survey below.
4:30 pm: Boys’ Basketball
5:30 pm: Girls’ Basketball, Bowling
6:30 pm: Wrestling, Swimming
7:30 pm: Unified Bocce Ball, Open to all teams
Student athletes who show up without signing up for an appointment time will not be permitted to receive a physical.
LVOI Sports Medicine: LVOI Sports Medicine HASD 2024-2025 Winter Sports Physicals (
Parking passes are available in the security office. See Lisa Calabrese, Security Officer HAAS.
You will need your driver's license, proof of insurance, and car registration. A parent or legal guardian must be with you or you will have to get the form notarized. Bring a check or money order for $5.00 made out to HASD with your application.
Student Parking Passes 2024 - 2025 (English)
Student Parking Passes 2024 - 2025 (Spanish)
HASD ATHLETIC ANNOUNCEMENTFOOTBALL SEASON TICKET SALES2024-2025 SEASONFootball Season Tickets are now on sale here in the Athletic Office at the High School From 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM Monday thru Thursday starting August 12, 2024. They will also be on sale at the first two HOME Football games (August 23 & August 30, 2024).Ticket Prices are as Follows:Student: $ 5.00Adult: $15.00Reserved: $25.00
Tutoring is offered after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:15 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. See Mrs. Hopkins to sign up for tutoring.
Keystone Information
Opt Out Procedure for Keystone Exams
Pennsylvania Graduation Requirements Act 158
Chromebook Insurance
Attached please find the new flyers for student Chromebook insurance. The cost is $21 for the year with an option to add coverage for the charger for an additional $5. We highly recommend that students/guardians to choose to pay the $26 for the device and charger as the cost of a charger alone exceeds that cost. This year, the cost of a Chromebook is $300.
Chromebook Insurance Form English
Chromebook Insurance Form Spanish
Lehigh Valley Health Network
High School Volunteer
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Programa de Asistencua de Alquiler Emergencia
The above picture is loaded with AR visuals. To access, you must download AR Launchpad from the App Store for iPhones or Google Play for Android phones. Once downloaded, scan the pictures with the rockets in the corner and you will get the Academy Video (Lab Photo) or the Academy Application (Balloon Photo).
Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences
6 Steps to prevent the flu
1. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. 2. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. 3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 4. Avoid close contact with sick people. 5. Stay home if you are sick. 6. Get a flu vaccine For more information regarding influenza visit
Lackawanna College
Lackawanna College is now offering college credit for the following Honors level classes:
Honors Statistics, Physics 2, Government, Economics, Spanish 4, and Calculus 1
The cost for the course is $300.00
Credits transfer to all state universities and many other colleges and universities.
See your teacher or come to the main office for an application.
CORE VALUESInvestigationDiscoveryTeam WorkPresentationReflection
The Academy is a S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, and math) magnet school in the Hazleton Area School District. The academy offers a variety of learning opportunities in the sciences, including onsite college courses at reduced tuition rates, project-based learning, individual and group work, and many creative ways for students to demonstrate their knowledge.
Contact Information:Mrs. Marie Ernst, PrincipalHazleton Area Academy of Sciences40 Azalea Drive Drums, PA 18222Phone: (570) 459-3221, Ext. 88501Email: ernstm@hasdk12.orgFax: (570) 359-3605Secretary: Roxann Palmieri, Ext. 88500