• musky


    Welcome to Mr. Evancho's Biology Class



    The muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) or "musky" for short is the apex predatory fish in Pennsylvania freshwater ecosystems.  Management strategies of muskellunge populations are currently being implemented and evaluated in most states where the musky is native.  The fish is not only an important ecological factor due to its place in the food web, but the fish also is important economically since its large size and elusiveness attracts many sport fishermen.  The current record musky in PA was caught in 1924 and had a weight of 54lbs 3oz.  See the links below to learn more about the muskellunge.



    Mr. Evancho
    Phone: 570 459-3221 ext 88713
    Grade: 9
    Subject: STEM Biology 1a and 1b


    Welcome to our class website.  Here you can find out what is happening in Biology class.  All of the class assignments, notes, and test dates are posted on the calender so that everyone is aware of due dates.
    My e-mail address is posted above.  Please contact me if there are any questions about our class or the course requirements. Web based e-mail servers (Yahoo, Hotmail, Etc.) will be rejected by our system, you must use an ISP like prolog (ptd.net).