
    • Free — Volunteers
      Note: Child abuse clearance fees for volunteers will continue to be waived one time every 57 months. 


    Online Submission
    The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History clearance can be submitted and paid for online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) self-service portal.Submitting an application online allows individual applicants to receive their results through an automated system that will notify them once their results have been processed. Applicants will be able to view and print their results online.
    The self-service portal also provides organizations the ability to create business accounts to prepay for child abuse clearances and have online access to the results. Organizations who want to set up business accounts must first register for a Business Partner User account using the “Organization Account Access” link on the Child Welfare Portal. Organization accounts will allow businesses and organizations to purchase child abuse history clearance payment codes and distribute those codes to applicants. When an applicant uses a code given to them by an organization, the organization will have access to the applicant’s child abuse history clearance results once those results are processed.
    Paper Submission

    Paper submissions of the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance application will still be accepted for anyone who may not have access to the internet. Please note, results will be received more quickly if applied for electronically through the self-service portal. Submit paper applications to:

    ChildLine and Abuse Registry
    Pennsylvania Department of Human Services
    PO Box 8170
    Harrisburg, PA 17105-8170