Mrs.  Kelly Fedullo  M.Ed. /  Hazle Twp. Early Learning Center-4th and 5th Grade-English Language Arts


         I'd like to welcome my students to our E.L.D. class for the 2024/2025 school year.  I am so excited to start this year and I am looking forward to meeting all of my students. This year is going to be great! We have alot of activities to look forward to and our new curriculum is in place to help our students learn English in both fun and interesting ways. For example, I have included projects that I know all of you will love and the best part you will be able to learn together. We will use music, books, videos, computers, sounds, games and many activities I know you will all like! In my class we learn in a variety of ways so that our class is filled with interesting and enjoyable activities. We will also be using some of the new technology our district has incorporated into our program that will help us with our learning objectives. I want to make sure all the parents and students are informed about all the important school information. Each student will receive a specific yellow folder for notes and any questions. Parents can place any notes they have in the student's folder. I will check this folder each morning. This will help with communication. Also, feel free to email me at any time. Our school also has several interpreters that parents and students can use. Please contact the office or myself if an interpreter is needed.  Please scroll through my page to get the latest information on school announcements, class announcements, class rules, grading policies and other important information. I look forward to seeing you in class!  

    crayon                                                                              esl

                 My philosophy of teaching is to create a classroom environment for students that encourages and promotes self-responsible behavior, creativity, and interesting ways of learning. Education is a process that begins from the moment we are very young and continues throughout our lifetimes. I am also learning new things every day. Learning can be interesting, challenging and fun! It is my goal to help all of you to learn English. I also look forward to sharing information on culture and other things in life that are important to us.


    What is E.L.D?

         E.L.D is an abbreviation for the course name English Language Development. It was formerly named E.S.L.  (English as a Second Language.)  You will be learning how to read, write, speak and listen in English. Specifically, I will be teaching what we term English Language Arts. This subject includes reading, writing, grammar and literature. 

    How will we learn English?

      In our class we will work independently, in teams and groups and with other classes occasionally. We will use many different methods to learn ENGLISH. Our school developed a curriculum or program that uses aligned standards from PA Dept. of Education to make sure our students learn in a way that promotes critical and creative thinking skills. Our school is the first in our area that is dedicated to teaching newcomer students. We will also provide instruction with other courses such as math, spelling, health, social studies and science. We also employ interpreters to help our students and parents comprehend all instruction and announcements. 

    What should I do if I am confused about something or have a question?

       I urge all students and parents/guardians to ask questions if they are confused. You can ask me anytime in class or if you are not in school you can always email me at fedullok@hasdk12.org  Always check the website as much as you can. Occasionally, I will put announcements on our page so you have access to schedules, snow days, virtual days, etc.  Please check the homework section for any work that is assigned. Our policy at this time is to do most of our work in class so homework will not be given unless it is a project.

    We will also learn about culture and traditions too! Check out this video!














    Current Class Work

    English Language Arts


    Virtual Schedule

    No virtual classes scheduled.  

    Reminder*  ALL students will be provided 5 worksheets for FID days (Flexible Instructions Days when school is closed) Each packet will have specific lesson that we be assigned for virtual days. All work must be completed and turned in for grading on the day we return. If packet is not turned in you will be marked absent for that virtual day.


    Translation of website information: Please right click and choose open link




