• Attendance

    • To be marked present for the day, students must login to Microsoft Teams daily.
    • Students may either attend the live lesson meeting OR watch the lesson meeting recording.



    • Minor assignments account for 25% of a student's grade. 
    • Minor assignments are posted daily and must be completed by midnight for full credit.
    • Minors assignments are assigned to Microsoft Teams and will remain open for 5 days from the time they are posted. 
    • One point will be deducted for each day the assignment is late.


    • Major assignments account for 75% of a student's grade. 
    • Major assignments include: Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Exams. 
    • Major assignments are assigned to Microsoft Teams and will remain open for 5 days from the time they are posted. 
    • No points will be deducted if the assignment is completed within the 5 day window.