Hazleton Area Cyber Academy

Dedicated To Excellence In Education Through Student-Centered Learning

  • Endless Opportunities

    Hazleton Area Cyber Academy
    Grades K-12
    We look forward to hearing from you.
    Phone- (570)459-3247
    Email-  hasdcyber@hasdk12.org
    Online Learning Opportunities for Hazleton Area Students
    • The Hazleton Area Cyber Academy allows students the opportunity to earn a Hazleton Area School District diploma and participate in graduation ceremonies.

    • All necessary equipment will be provided and maintained by the HASD technology department.

    • Classes are taught by Hazleton Area School District teachers.

    • Students can participate in district clubs, activities, and sports.

    • Students have the opportunity to take classes at the Hazleton Career Center and complete their academic requirements through the Cyber Academy.

    • Synchronous learning allows you time with a live teacher. Synchronous Instruction is live instruction during the school day via Microsoft TEAMS.
    • Asynchronous learning allows you to learn on your own schedule, within a certain time frame.

    • Teachers will be available to answer emails, questions, or concerns and hold live office hours.




    Dec. 20-1/2 Day B Schedule

    Dec. 23-Jan. 3- Winter Break

    Jan. 6- School Resumes


    Information has been sent out from your first period teachers as to whether or not you will be taking the Keystones.  Please remember the following dates:

    Algebra- January 8, 9

    Literature- January 14,15

    Unless otherwise stated you are testing at the High School. Please see information below:

    • Students are to report to the Hazleton Area High School Auditorium by 7:45 AM on scheduled testing days (If you do not know your testing room assignment you will provided the information when you arrive)
    • The test will begin promptly at 8 AM.  
    • The Keystone Exams will conclude each 1-day between 10:15-10:30 AM. 
    • At the conclusion of the test an announcement is made for students to report to Period 3-4 at that time Hazleton Area Cyber Academy students will be dismissed from the high school building.
    • If a student needs to wait or call for a ride, the student will be able to wait in the auditorium after being dismissed from the testing room. 
    • Calls cannot be made until students are dismissed from the testing room.