- Drums Elementary / Middle School
- Welcome
Olenick, A
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Teacher's Name Miss OlenickEmail: olenicka@hasdk12.org
Phone: (570) 459-3221 ext.Grade:SecondSubject:AllWelcome to our Second Grade Class. We have many exciting events planned for the year and are learning many new things this year. Remember the sounds of the letters are very important, so we can begin our reading experience. Hopefully, you enjoy reading to your child at home, because this will increase their skills as well. By the end of second grade, we should be reading about 100 words per minute.
The children will be using scissors and glue throughout the year. We will also be using dry erase markers, crayons, pencils, highlighters, and folders. Headphones will also be used for computers and listening centers. Please send them in with your child so they can take ownership of their items.
Dear Parents,
I am very excited to have your children in my class this year! This year will be memorable for sure! Here are a few tips to help through the beginning of the school year.
STEP 1. Be sure to have a good breakfast.
STEP 2. Have the following supplies ready for each day…
Folder to keep completed and homework papers organized. (The school has supplied one. Please make sure to check/empty nightly.)
Whiteboard / whiteboard markers
Pencils (sharpened)
Glue sticksA container to hold these items.
5 pennies, 5 nickels, 10 dimes, 4 quarters, and 1 dollar bill We will be doing a calendar with these coins. The teacher will provide paper coins in school for a school bank count of the days in the school year. (Practicing at home with real coins would benefit your child.)
STEP 3. Check their folder and complete homework. Homework should be a time when the child teaches you what has been covered throughout the day. Their reading will improve with 20 minutes of reading nightly. It is amazing how a little each night makes a difference. (No cramming - doesn't benefit the children.)If you have any questions, you can email or send a message through Parent Tag, email, or note to school with your child. A Note is the best way because the teacher may not be present but the information needs to get to the substitute.
The year goes fast, so let's enjoy each day for what it brings.
Smile and have a great day,
Miss Olenick