- Drums Elementary / Middle School
- Online Direct Reading Instruction 5/11
Weekly Online Lessons
Week of May 11th
Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Kisatsky
Email : kisatskym@hasdk12.org
Weekly Message:
Completing your work for our class is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
First, join our class in a zoom session two times per week, check dojo for the link.
Second, complete the three activities for our class.
Third, go to your general education teacher's webpage.
Easy as 1, 2, 3! You've got this!
1. This week's zoom sessions - Check dojo for your class's link.
2. Students and parents should complete all of the assignments listed below. Take your time and do the assignments when you can. Develop a daily routine. Students and parents should work together. Any questions please email or message me on dojo.Reading Assignments
All Students in periods 1-7 are working in the Wilson Reading Program. Due to copyright laws, these worksheets can not be posted. Parents who desire a Wilson workbook should email me and I can send it to you electronically. kisataskym@hasdk12.org
First Period - Second Period - Third Period
Reading Skills (2.4)- 5 sounds in a closed syllable + suffix-s Ex: blend, trumpsAssignment Link 1
Assignment Link 2
Assignment Link 3
Fourth Period
Reading Skills (1.6)- Adding suffix-s to closed syllable words Ex: bugs, chillsAssignment Link 1
Assignment Link 2
Assignment Link 3
Seventh Period
Reading Skills (4.4)- ive exception Ex: active, disuptiveAssignment Link 1
Assignment Link 2
Assignment Link 3
3. Great job! Now go to your next teacher's page!
Learning Support(Math)
Mr. Hudak
Second Grade Teachers
Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. McGee
Ms. Olenick
Third Grade Teachers
Mrs. Bernstein
Mrs. Bonomo
Mrs. Cook
Fourth Grade Teachers
Mrs. Mallets
Mrs. Wetterau
Mrs. Ziegler
Fifth Grade Teachers
Mr. Gould
Mrs. Ritz
Mrs. Shafer
Sixth Grade Teachers
Mrs. Mrochko
Mrs. Steber
Mrs. Wallace
Special Teachers
Mrs. Fazzini
Mrs. Katsock
Mrs. Kelso
Related Services:
Ms. Ciotola (Speech)
Mrs. Zanolini (Social Work)
Mrs. Shebelock (PT)
Mrs. Caputo (OT)
Additional Resources:
Login to Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Math for 40 minutes each per week
Click here (Haga clic aquí) to log in to Imagine Learning
Click login with LDAP, type your username and password. Blue for Reading & Orange for MathK-2 Students: Please remember to view the "Morning Message", work on Starfall, and complete assignments on Raz Kids on your homeroom teacher's page.