- Drums Elementary / Middle School
- Health Class Rules and Procedures
Smolinsky, Ja
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Drums Middle School
Health Class Rules and Procedures
Class Information and Curriculum: The 7th grade Health curriculum is designed to provide students with the information needed to make good health decisions. Emphasis will be placed on those decision making skills along with the study of physical, emotional, and social growth changes.
The following units will be covered over the next two quarters: wellness, nutrition, substance abuse, adolescence, body systems, personality, self-esteem, and emotions.
Students will learn through a combination of textbook, projects, instructor lecture, videos, and other multimedia.
Beginning of Class: All students are expected to be in their assigned seat when the bell rings, ready to work. Students are expected to bring a pen or pencil and a notebook to class every day.
End of Class: When directed, students are asked to help organize/store class materials. If all class work has been completed in a satisfactory manner (as determined by the instructor), there will be no homework. If homework is assigned, it will be due the following day.
Absences: Students who are absent will be responsible for obtaining the class notes and assignments from the day(s) missed.
Grading: Students’ grades will be based on participation in class discussions and class activities, in-class written work, homework, tests, and quizzes.
Behavior: Discipline will be in accordance with the Drums Elementary/Middle School discipline policy. Students will be expected to abide by the classroom rules. If a student is having trouble abiding by the rules, the student and I will discuss the situation. The student will always be given a chance to explain his or her behavior. Then, if needed, we will discuss possible consequences.