Useful resources for home

  • Please contact Mrs. Moore via Class Dojo or e-mail for personalized login information if you do not have it already.

    Click the links below to access these webites/or follow the directions to download the apps.

      Everyone's accounts have been set up to their individual level. They can go on Raz-Kids or Headsprout. This resource can be accessed through an internet browser by going to or by downloading the Kids A-Z app for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Amazon App Store for Android, or Google Play.  Contact Mrs. Moore for individual login information.

    2. Reflex Math
      This is a fantastic resource for your child to practice math fluency and automaticity with addition/subtration or multiplication/division facts. Contact Mrs. Moore for individual login information.

    3. Boom Cards- Each student has an individualized account that includes interactive games for reading, math, verbal behavior and more. All activities were selected based on their needs to reinforce skills learned in the classroom. You can access Boom Cards by going to to get the app or accessing them online at and clicking student sign in. Contact Mrs. Moore for individual login information.

    4. Lalilo- This website has excellent phonics, word family, sight-word and comprehension activities.  Contact Mrs. Moore for login information.

    5. Vooks- Interactive Online Stories: Contact Mrs. Moore for login information for this website.

    6. ABCYa!

    7. Starfall
    8. Tumblebooks
    9. Primary Games
    10. Knowledge Adventure
    11. PBS Kids
    13. Room Recess