
    The Reflections program is designed to enhance quality arts education for students in Pre-K through grade 12. As participants in the program, students are encouraged to create and submit works in the following art categories:


    Dance Choreography
    Film Production
    Musical Composition
    Visual Arts


    Students submit artwork to their Local PTA/PTSAs. Works are judged by Local PTA/PTSAs and the winning entries advance to the Council, District, Region, and/or State PTA round, depending on the State structure. Top entries from each State PTA Reflections contest advance to National PTA for the final round of judging.




    Each June, National PTA awards:


    ·        Outstanding Interpretation Awards:Given to the submission in each arts category that best interprets the theme.There are seven Outstanding Interpretation Award winners, including one for the Special Artist Division.  


    ·        Awards of Excellence:Given to the top three scores for each arts category in each division.


    ·        Awards of Merit:Given to the next five highest scores for each arts category in each division.


    Each year, National PTA highlights winners at several events and communications channels, including the Annual National PTA Convention & Exposition and a public exhibit at the U.S. Department of Education for two months. View photos and video from these events.


    In 1969,Colorado’s PTA President Mary Lou Anderson developed the first Reflections program to encourage students to explore their talents and express themselves by giving positive recognition for their artistic efforts. Since that time,millions of students have benefited from this program.




    For more information go to National PTA www.pta.org , PTA Programs then go to Reflections.


    For instructions and form go to PA PTA www.papta.org , then go to Reflections.




    PTA believes all children deserve quality arts education and we encourage students to pursue artistic expression through participation in the Reflections Program.






    We hope that you will enter this year!