- Drums Elementary / Middle School
- Classroom Procedures
Mrochko, F
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Welcome! Throughout the school year we will be focusing on the necessary skills to be effective readers and writers. We will be using a new series this year called Wonders by McGraw-Hill. I would like to explain my procedures a little further for each subject.Class Necessities!
All students must come to class prepared. For each class they should bring at least 2-3 sharpened pencils. (Some get lost along the switching of classes)
For Reading class, all students need a three subject notebook. I will use one section for notes/classwork, section two for vocabulary, and the last section will be for journaling. You may also purchase a five subject and keep the remaining two subjects for English and Spelling.
During English class, students should bring both English and Spelling textbooks. They may have separate notebooks for each subject, or a multi-subject notebook is allowable. If that is the case, please make sure only English is in the English section, and Spelling in the Spelling sections. This ensures organization so when assignments are to be checked or collected they can find them easily.
A silent reading book is a must at all times! In order to have your child be successful in reading, it is important for them to select their own reading material, but also to have a variety to choose from. Sign them up at their local library or book orders will be passed out periodically throughout the year to help with their selection
Planners will be used daily. They will be checked also. If any questions arise about assignments or missed work, that is our communication tool. Please feel free to communicate in it when ever you feel needed.General Rules- Each student is responsible for bringing the necessary materials to class daily. This includes textbooks, notebooks, pencils, paper, self-selected reading books, and any other classroom necessities as assigned.
- All work is to be handed in promptly to receive full credit. Any late or incomplete assignments are expected to be completed as soon as possible. A test folder will be sent home with your child on a weekly basis. All tests and quizzes are to be signed and brought back in that test folder. If your child does not return his/her test folder, points will be deducted from their homework grade for every day late.
- All reading and language arts assignments are expected to be completed legibly.
- Progress reports will be issued midway through each marking period. If I feel your child needs a report before that time due to failing grades, one will be sent home. ALL reports are to be signed and returned to school within 1 week of issue.
If your child is absent from school, please arrange for someone to pick up his/her homework. This can be done by calling the school office prior to 9 A.M. on the day of the absence. The work will then be ready in the school office at 2 P.M. unless other arrangements are made. If no one is available to pick up the work or the child is too sick to complete the work at that time, it can be made up immediately after the return to school without penalty.
All Students are required to bring a silent reading book to class EVERY day! No exceptions. They will have a silent reading block where they will read a book from home or the library for 15 minutes.
Study Island will be used on a regular basis. Please be advised that your child will have homework assignments that must be completed in a given time frame that will be used as part of their Reading. Assignments will be posted and please monitor their homework nightly through their planners and online.
They then will respond in their journal about what they read. Students will be required to have a notebook for vocabulary and to keep their questions from the story inside. Quizzes will be given throughout the story on vocabulary and comprehension. Stories usually take about two weeks to complete. Please be sure your child has a folder for important handouts. All requirements are sent home at least 2-3 weeks in advance. All project slips will be required to be signed and returned by the parent so that you are well aware of the upcoming assignment.English:
In English, we will go through units on basic grammar skills. In between each unit, I introduce and work on a new writing skill such as personal narratives or persuasive writing. Many times there are instances where I incorporate my English with Reading if a particular skill is being taught in the Reading story. We will do many writing prompts about a given topic in order to prepare them for the PSSA's.
As we go through the English units, I will quiz periodically during the unit. Not all quizzes will be announced, but they normally are. All tests will be announced a week before they are given. Thorough reviews and review games are done before the tests. I do many hands-on activities to try and help the students remember the information easier. I enjoy using graphic organizers with the lessons. Please look for them in your child's folder so that you may help them with the lesson. A folder for English is also required for packets on the units, writing drafts they may have started or project information.Spelling:
Spelling will be given weekly, even if there are four days in a week. Words will be posted on-line so that you may print them off.