• Testing Procedures for
    Mrs. Mrochko

    teacher animated

    Final averages will be based on the Reading tests after each story.  Along with the tests, there will be quizzes on vocabulary, selected workbook pages that will also be used as a grade, theme and skills tests, book report projects &/or writing assignments, and class participation.  Weight distribution will be as follows:  Homework-25%, quizzes-35%, and tests-40%


    Final averages will be based on quizzes (announced and unannounced) on the material covered from the lesson, end of the unit tests, and writing assignments.    For every graded assignment that is turned in late, 10 points will be deducted for each day that it is late.  Class participation is also included into their grade.  The breakdown is as follows: Homework-25%, quizzes-35%, and tests-40%
    Spelling tests will be given every Friday, unless otherwise noted.   Grades are based on weekly spelling tests, class participation, and homework. The breakdown is 75% tests, 25% homework
    Students are given a 100% at the start of every new marking period for their homework grade.  As long as homework is completed, your child will keep his/her 100%.  If they miss a homework assignment, which also includes forgetting it in his/her locker, 5 points will be deducted every time they miss an assignment.  If they have it partially done, only 3 points will be deducted.  Notices will be sent home for excessive missed homework.  What ever their score is at the time of progress reports or report card time, that will reflect their homework average.  Here is an example.  If your child received an 87% for homework, the student missed two assignments and partially had one assignment done.  
    dog ate my homework
                      District Grading Policy
                                          A= 100-93
                                          B=  92-85
                                          C=  84-77
                                          D=  76-70
                                          F=  69 or below