• notebookClass Procedures    
    • Students should come to school prepared for class with their Homework Folder, assignments, and a daily healthy snack with a clear liquid, including any student's medical needs. 


    • When homework is given, it will be stamped HOMEWORK or written on a weekly assignment sheet.  Homework will count as part of the classroom participation grade.


    • Students will be graded on quizzes, tests, and projects.  Graded materials will be sent home for parent/guardian to sign.


    Students must follow the classroom rules in order for a productive learning environment to flourish.  The classroom rules are as follows:   
                                                                            cat w hand
        We are respectful and bully-free.
    We raise our hand and wait to be called on by the teacher.
    We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
    We walk in school.