- Freeland Elementary / Middle School
- About Our Class
Pursell, L
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Homework is given on most days of the school week and it is due back on the next school day.
We will be going out for recess when time permits. Make sure your child wears a jacket on cool or cold days.
- Check your child's folder daily to get any important papers and to review your child's papers they did in school that day.
***** Your child's homework will be in their red folder on "the return to school" side each night.
- If you have any notes or money to be given to the teacher please put them in your child's red folder.
- When sending in notes or money for your child... please put them in an envelope with your child's name on them.
- Send your child with a clear backpack.
- Label all of your child's belongings with their name.
- If your child will have a dismissal change please send in a note to let me know. (Your child will have to go home their regular way unless you send in a note to change it.)
- Please accept the invitation to "Class Dojo" when you are requested to . This is the way we will communicate.
- Be sure to send in a snack every day for your child.
Helpful Hints...
Read to your child every day!
Review what your child learned in school each day.
Be supportive.
Work together with your child's teacher. -