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  • black glasses and black pen sitting on sheet music  

    Mrs. Jessica Shafer

    Director of Instrumental Studies, Band and Middle School Choir

    Mcadoo Kelayres Elementary Middle School


    Instrumental and Band Students


    Rental Flyer / Click Here




    Fourth Graders and students interested in instrumental lessons, here is the video demonstration that was presented to you: Information on Instrumental Lessons Video

    Advanced Band: Tuesdays, 2:45-4:00: Advanced band is for students in fifth through eighth grade who have completed at least one year of instrumental instruction and beginner band. Participation in Advanced Band is at the director's discretion. Students are eligible for nomination to festivals and the MIOSM Concert Band Celebration at the director's discretion.

    Beginner Band: Mondays, 3:45-4:30: Beginner Band starts in March 2025 and runs through May until the Spring Concert. This band is for first year instrumental players in all grades. It allows them the opportunity to experience concert band and to learn all the procedures involved. Beginner Band is necessary for instrumental students to be successful in Advanced Band. 

    Middle School Choir

    Mondays 2:45-4:00

    Middle school choir is open to 7th and 8th grade students. No audition necessary and its free! You DO NOT need to read music to join. We do at least two concerts a year and take some field trips- like caroling at a nursing home in December and Festivals in the Spring. Please see Mrs. Shafer in school to sign up for middle school choir.

     Hello and welcome to the McAdoo Kelayres Elementary Middle School Music Page
       So, your student has decided to participate in the instrumental program.... That's great! Music helps students in numerous ways, not just with their academic studies. It has been shown to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence, instill a sense of responsibility, foster healthy peer and adult interactions, and give them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Lastly, it's just plain fun!
       Students in grades four through eight are eligible to take instrumental lessons. Additionally, if the student has had lessons previously, then they are also eligible to participate in the band program. The band is open to students in grades four through eight. Lessons occur once a week for 30 minutes on a set schedule throughout the year. Your student will need to have their instrument and lesson book for both their lesson day and for band.
        The band will have two concerts during the year- one in December and one in May.  Other events for the instrumental students might occur during the year as well- like Spirit Day, Festivals and MIOSM!
       If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please contact me. The quickest and easiest way to get a hold of me is through email: shaferj02@hasdk12.org.
          Mrs. Shafer