• Books

    Teacher's Name
    Email: ercolanir@hasdk12.org
    Phone: (570) 459-3221 ext. 25500
    Grade (s): K-5
    Subject (s): ELD and Reading Intervention Teacher

    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.  My name is Regina Ercolani, and I am so excited to be your child’s ELD Teacher or Reading intervention.

    Throughout the year, it is important to have a strong parent-teacher relationship.  If, at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.  You can email me at ercolanir@hasdk12.org or call me at 570-459-3221 Ext. 25500.  Also, please check the school’s website often for any important updates.

    All daily work and information will be posted to TEAMS. Please check there for any information.

    I am thrilled to be starting this year’s journey with your children!  I look forward to watching them learn, grow and have a fantastic time in 3rd grade!



    Regina Ercolani
    ELD and Reading Intervention