HASD Anti-Bullying
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kNOwBULLYING"The end of Bullying begins with all of us"Reporting of bullying incidents at the Hazleton Area School District
- A person may call (570) 501-5448 or email at knowbullying@hasdk12.org to report an alleged bullying incident that has happened. Both of these will be posted in English and Spanish on the district website and throughout each of the schools and Administration Building.
- The Secretary to Security to monitor both the call line and the email account daily.
- The Secretary to Security will use a district Bilingual Community Liaison or other bilingual employee, if needed.
- The Secretary to Security will report to the school building level administrator and security officer the alleged bullying incident.
- The administrator and Security Officer will investigate the alleged incident as they would other reported bullying incidents.
- The procedures for bullying will proceed as usual. (Investigation, reporting, actions as needed)
- If the reporter may be identified and contacted, the school administrator and/or Security Officer will contact the reporter.
CENTRAL OFFICE CONTACT PERSON FOR BULLYING REPORTING & RESOLUTIONDr. Christopher LakeSupervisor of Federal Programs(Phone) 570-459-3111 Ext. 3555