Mr. Anthony LamannaTreasurer / Assistant Business Manager(570) 459-3111 ext. 3107lamannat@hasdk12.org
Mr. C. Daniel RodgersAssistant to the Superintendent of Schools; Title IX Coordinator (570) 459-3111 ext. 3140 rodgersd@hasdk12.org
Dr. Patrick PatteAssistant to the Superintendent of Schools(570) 459-3111 ext. 3124 pattep@hasdk12.org
Mr. Jeffrey WeedAssistant Director of Special Education(570) 459-3111 ext. 3265weedj@hasdk12.org
Mrs. Lindsay WagnerSupervisor of English Language Learners(570) 459-3111 ext. 3888wagnerl@hasdk12.org
Ms. Tiffany RossiConfidential Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools(570) 459-3111 ext. 3152rossit@hasdk12.org
Ms. Samantha NeamanConfidential Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools(570) 459-3111 ext. 3140neamans@hasdk12.org