• https://www.iepwriter.com/pa/ei_Referral/hazleton_referral.aspx

    Parents/Guardians: ALL new Early Intervention referrals will now be completed online. Please use this link if you wish to receive an evaluation. 

    Padres/tutores: TODAS las referencias nuevas de Intervención Temprana ahora se completarán en línea. Utilice este enlace si desea recibir una evaluación.

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    Welcome to Early Intervention

         Our Early Intervention programs are a year-round, comprehensive and collaborative system that optimizes children's development, supports the family's responsibility and enhances their capacity to care for their child.

         A variety of need-based services for eligible young children are provided in the least restrictive environment, which may include the home, preschool, Head Start, a specialized class or a combination of these.

         Early Intervention Services range from direct to consultative in nature. Related services to children include support in the areas of speech, hearing, vision and behavior, along with assistance with psychological evaluations and assistive technology. Services are provided when the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team determines the child has a specific need for our respective services. These services are available to children ages 3 to beginners who meet the eligibility criteria of a 25% delay in one or more of the five developmental areas.

         Additionally, other services are offered by the Early Intervention Program. Our staff also works closely with school districts and parents to facilitate the transition-to-school process for eligible children. Early Intervention services are found throughout Luzerne and Wyoming Counties. We provide both individual and group screenings, which are regularly scheduled and completed upon request as part of the comprehensive child find effort. Working with our communities, we also provide resources, training and outreach programs for schools, preschools, colleges and various agencies.

    If you are concerned about a child who is not yet three, go to children under three for more information.