- Hazleton Area School District
- HAHS Coach Directory/Contacts
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Phone: 570-459-3221 ext. #81539Fax: 570-459-3139NAME TITLE EMAIL ADDRESSFred Barletta CAA Athletic Director barlettaf@hasdk12.orgCathy Brogan CAA Assistant Athletic Director broganc@hasdk12.orgLeanne Fisher Athletic Coordinator fisherl@hasdk12.org________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________HAZLETON AREA COACHES DIRECTORY FALL SPORTS
Cross Country Joseph Smolinsky joesmo1227@gmail.comField Hockey Mary Kelly marykellypt@yahoo.comFootball Dennis Buchman Jr. buchmand@hasdk12.orgGolf Joseph Ursta urstaj02hasdk12.orgBoys Soccer Ryan Scarcella scarcella01@yahoo.comGirls Soccer Marcello Posada posadam@hasdk12.orgGirls Tennis Kathryn Pavlick pavlickk@hasdk12.orgGirls Volleyball Carmen Flores Ramos ramosc@hasdk12.orgWater Polo Eddy Zawatski zawatskie@hasdk12.orgMS Coed Soccer Matt Michelin michelinm@hasdk12.orgHAZLETON AREA COACHES DIRECTORY WINTER SPORTSSPORTS TEAM HEAD COACH'S NAME EMAIL ADDRESSBoys Basketball Pat Brogan broganp@hasdk12.orgGirls Basketball Joseph Gavio jgavoach@ptd.netBowling Robert Barron biggrobb501@yahoo.comCheerleading Tiffany Yarish yarisht@hasdk12.orgSwimming Michele Yakubowski yakubowskim@hasdk12.orgWrestling Keith Maurer maurerk@hasdk12.orgMS Wrestling Steve Lilley stevelilley142@gmail.comFreshman Boys BBall Nate DeBalko debalkon@hasdk12.orgFreshman Girls BBall Franklin Pataki fbp1@verizon.netHAZLETON AREA COACHES DIRECTORY SPRING SPORTSSPORTS TEAM HEAD COACH'S NAME EMAIL ADDRESSBaseball Russell Canzler russ.canzler@gmail.comLacrosse Natasha Koslop koslopn@hasdk12.orgGirls Jr. High Track Lindsay Fornataro fornatarol@hasdk12.orgBoys Jr. High Track Carli Karmonick karmonickc@hasdk12.orgVarsity Softball Heather Natt natth@hasdk12.orgMiddle School Softball Kasey Biever bieverk@hasdk12.orgBoys Tennis Greg Mazurek mazurekg@hasdk12.orgBoys Track & Field Dustin Hausherr hausherrd@hasdk12.orgGirls Track & Field Mark Otterbine otterbine.mark@gmail.comBoys Volleyball Carmen Flores Ramos ramosc@hasdk12.org