• Technology Requests

    All internal technology related requests are to be submitted by email

    All requests received by the Help Desk are recorded in a calltracking database in the form of a Help Desk "request." An automatedemail reply will be sent to the requester both when the ticket is opened and upon completion.

    For each ticket entered the Help Desk needs the following information:

    • Your HASD Asset number
    • Full name (even if asking a quick question, a full name is needed to record the information)
    • Building Location
    • Room Number or Area
    • Your HASD e-mail address
    • A detailed description of the problem. This includes what was being done when the problem occurred, the exact wording of the error message (if any), etc.

    (Donot use email for emergencies) 

    NOTE: If a problem is Critical or an Emergency contact building site person or call the Helpdesk 459-3111 Extension 4357 (HELP)

    Kyocera Printer Service and Supply Instructions

    All network printer problems (Excluding toner) must be sent in through Technology.

    The following information is required:

    1.       On the front of your printer is a red sticker 

    2.       NCDS control number

    3.       Building and room number where the printer is located

    4.       Detailed description of the problem. 

    Toner Ordering:

    Model 4100 black toner requested through building secretary call 800-992-6237 (Provide Printer Control Number). Toner is shipped same day to the school, if called in before 1pm. 

    Model 5250 Color printer toner requested through building secretary from the warehouse by email (Toner cartridge number).