• Valley Elementary / Middle School

    Parent Teacher Association


    Welcome to the PTA webpage for Valley Elementary / Middle School. Throughout the school year, there are many activities and events planned, organized, and run by the PTA. These include Class Field Trips, Science Fair, Race For Education, Spring Craft Fair, special Holiday Events, and many other programs. By volunteering to help with these events, you can truly make a difference in the educational experience of your child.


    On the left side of this page, you will find a Navigation Menu with links to all of the information we have available for you online. Our Committee List and Contact Information will give you a short description of each of the committees we have within the PTA. You will also find the chairpersons for each committee listed with the description. If you have specific questions about one of these committees or would like to help out with what they do, please contact the chairperson directly.


    The Calendar will have dates, times, and locations for PTA and school events throughout the year. We will do our best to keep this up to date and if you are not sure when something is happening, this should be the first place you look.


    Our Field Trips page will be updated when we have confirmed Field Trip dates and locations for each grade level. We will get this information loaded as soon as we have it. You will see detailed field trip information coming home with your children closer to when the trips take place. This page is mainly for those who want to plan ahead or possibly take time off to chaperone a field trip.


    All parents and guardians of Valley Elementary / Middle School students are encouraged to take part in your child’s education by becoming an active member of the PTA. No matter how open or limited your availability is, your time and talents will be welcomed and appreciated. In the Navigation Menu you will see a link for Membership / Clearance Forms. This will take to you a page that will allow you to download our membership form as well as the clearance forms that are necessary to volunteer in the school. More information about clearances can be found on that page as well.


    We would like to thank you for your interest in the PTA and we look forward to your involvement at Valley Elementary / Middle School. Listed below, you can find contact information for all of this year’s PTA officers. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the PTA or any of the events and activities we plan.


    2024-2025 Officers


    President ~ Jael Maue


    Vice President ~ Allison Unger


    2nd Vice President ~ Sherilyn Merrick


    Secretary ~ Shanon Sitoski-Lee


    Treasurer ~ Cassandra Compton-Mahaffey