• Supply Wish List for the 2022-2023 School Year


    Each student is required to bring a pencil case( no plastic boxes),a box of crayons, and a few pencils of their own.
    Bring 2 notebooks, one for spelling and one for reading/ELA/vocabulary
    Sending any of the following supplies to school is completely optional, however, any items you can donate to our classroom will be greatly appreciated!  I thank you in advance for your generosity.  I want to also thank all the parents who were already so kind to donate items to the classroom! 

    ·        Large boxes of tissues

    (During the cold season we use 2-3 boxes a week!)

    ·        Liquid hand soap

    ·        Hand sanitizer

    ·        Lysol

    ·        Clorox wipes
    ·        Pencils 
    • Yellow Highlighters
    • Band aides
    • Dry erase markers

     I would like to thank all the families who have sent in supplies for the classroom.  It is very much appreciated!