- Hazleton Area School District
- Identimetric Finger Scan Information
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Identimetric Finger Scan System
This year, our school is implementing a biometric finger scanning identification program in an effort to provide security for your child’s cafeteria account, eliminate clerical errors and provide students an easy way to identify themselves when entering the school and using the cafeteria.
What is Biometric Identification?
Biometric identification is automated methods of identifying a person based upon physical or behavioral characteristics. Our school has selected identiMetrics biometric finger scanning identification software because it is fast, accurate, cost-effective and non-intrusive.
How does finger scanning identification work?
Using a finger scanner, the software scans the fingerprint to create and store individual templates of unique points that identify each student. When the student returns, the software again scans the finger and looks for a match in the database. When a match is found, the student is identified!
What about my child’s privacy?
The software scans the finger for identification. It does not store a copy of the fingerprints. Instead, the software creates a template of the unique fingerprint characteristics. These templates are stored in the school’s database with the same high level of security of all of your child’s records. When your child graduates or is no longer enrolled in the school system, the templates are deleted. At no time is a fingerprint image stored. No fingerprints can be recreated or delivered to any agency - governmental or otherwise.
If you feel you would like to opt out of having your child finger scanned, they can still go through the lunch line by giving the cashier the student ID number that is assigned to them. You will need to send in written notification that you would like to opt out, otherwise all children will be scanned.
Thanks for being involved!
It is important to us that your child’s experience in school is educational and rewarding. We hope you will find this new way of identifying your child to be safe, easy, accurate and efficient. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
For more information go to www.identimetrics.net.
Distrito Escolar del Area de Hazleton
Sistema Identimetrico de Escáner de Dedos
Este año, nuestra escuela está implementando un programa de identificación biométrico de escaneo de dedos en un esfuerzo para ofrecer seguridad a la cuenta de cafetería de su niño, eliminar errores secretariales y ofrecerles a los estudiantes una manera fácil de identificarse cuando estén entrando a la escuela y estén usando la cafetería.
¿Qué es Identificación Biométrica?
Identificación Biométrica son métodos automatizados de identificación de una persona basados en las características físicas o de comportamiento. Nuestra escuela ha seleccionado el programa de identificación biométrico de escaneo de dedos identiMetrics porque es rápido, preciso, efectivo en costo y de no intrusión.
¿Cómo trabaja la identificación de escaneo de dedos?
Usando un escáner de dedos, el programa escanea la huella digital para crear y guardar modelos individuales de puntos únicos que identifican a cada estudiante. Cuando el estudiante regresa, el programa una vez más escanea el dedo y busca por algo similar en la base de datos. Cuando la similitud es encontrada, ¡el estudiante es identificado!
¿Qué pasa con la privacidad de mi niño?
El programa escanea el dedo para la identificación. No guarda una copia de las huellas digitales. En lugar de eso, el programa crea un modelo de las características únicas de la huella digital. Estos modelos son guardados en la base de datos de la escuela con los mismos altos niveles de seguridad de todos los records de su niño. Cuando su niño se gradúa o ya no está inscrito en el sistema escolar, los modelos son borrados. En ningún momento una imagen de la huella digital es guardada. Ninguna huella digital puede ser recreada o enviada a alguna agencia - gubernamental o de otra forma.
Si usted siente que le gustaría negarse de que su niño tenga sus dedos escaneados, ellos todavía pueden hacer la fila de la comida, dándole al cajero el numero de identificación del estudiante que se le fue asignado. Usted necesitara mandar una notificación por escrito negándose a participar en el programa, de lo contrario, todos los niños serán escaneados.
¡Gracias por estar involucrado!
Es importante para nosotros que la experiencia de su niño en la escuela sea educacional y gratificante. Nosotros esperamos que usted encuentre esta nueva manera de identificar a su niño de ser seguro, fácil, preciso y eficiente. Si usted tiene cualquier pregunta, por favor no dude en preguntar.Para más información, vaya a www.identimetrics.net.
Other company product and service names mentioned in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. No portion of this document may be reproduced without prior consent.
1. In order to be enrolled in the computer software, the student’s finger is scanned by the biometric finger scanner.
2. The computer software develops a grid of intersection points from the swirls and arcs of the scanned finger.
3. The template is created by the software that shows the intersection of unique points on the finger. The fingerprint image is destroyed.
4. The template is converted to a binary number.
5. The binary number is then encrypted and stored.
6. When the student returns to be identified, the finger scanner again scans the finger. The computer software now compares the new template (Template A) with the other templates in the database. When a matching template is found (Template B), the student is identified.
This identification and matching process takes under one second to complete.
The Student Identification Finger Scanning Process
© Copyright 2011 identiMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. The product and service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of identiMetrics, Inc.
Other company product and service names mentioned in this document are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. No
portion of this document may be reproduced without prior consent.
Differences Between Student Identification Software and Law Enforcement Applications
Student Identification Software VS Law Enforcement Applications
Uses flat images of only two fingers to create templates.
Captures rolled images of all 10 fingersFlat images reveal the center of the finger and require only a minimum of unique identifying points in order to make a match
Rolled images capture unique identifying points on the entire finger surface in order to collect the maximum number of unique identifying points
The purpose is to identify a student already enrolled in the software
The purpose is to identify suspects based on fingerprint images directly taken from a crime scene
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can my fingerprint be given to anyone else?
A. No. There are no fingerprint images stored. Only encrypted numerical representations of the unique points of the fingerprint are stored.
Q. Can my fingerprint data be taken off the computer and used to re-create my fingerprint?
A. No. identiMetrics never takes your fingerprint, only unique points. The actual fingerprint cannot be recreated from the encrypted template.
Q. Can my fingerprints be taken from the computer software and used on another fingerprinting system?
A. No. identiMetrics uses a proprietary algorithm that can only be used with identiMetrics software.
Q. Can my fingerprints be copied or used by anyone else?
A. No. It is impossible to duplicate or falsify fingerprints from the information stored in the identiMetrics software.
Q. Why Biometrics in Schools?
A. Many areas in a school require identification. The most common kinds of identificationcurrently in use are picture ID cards, ID numbers, and, of course, visual identification. Each of these methods creates its own issues and is a drain on the time and resources of IT departments.
Cards are regularly forgotten, lost, mutilated and shared; ID numbers are easily forgotten,
swapped or stolen. Also, visual identification is a poor solution, especially with today’s
considerable security concerns and reporting issues. By using biometrics for identification, the
problems and costs associated with the current methods can be avoided and new standards of
accountability can be put into place.
Q. Do twins have the same fingerprints?
A. No. Every person has unique fingerprints, even twins.
Q. Do finger scanners spread germs?
A. According to a Purdue University study, biometric sensors are no dirtier than doorknobs.
For more information go to www.identimetrics.net.