
    Welcome to Mrs. Shebelock’s 8th Grade Science Class!

    Our goal in science class is to learn about the world around us.  We will be learning how to “think like a scientist” to solve problems.  This means we will be using Scientific Inquiry or the Scientific Method in our search for answers to our questions.  Topics covered in our class include:

    • Physical Science: Chemistry
    • Life Science: Biology and Ecology
    • Scientific Inquiry
    • Educational and career opportunities in the sciences

                            Mrs. Shebelock’s Class Requirements

    • Students are required to cover their textbook and bring it to class daily along with a notebook and pen or pencil.
    • Students are required to purchase a 3-subject notebook for science only. The sections are to be divided and labeled in order:  PDN, Notes, Assignments.  (Students may use a single subject notebook, but it must be divided into sections as indicated above.)

    Mrs. Shebelock’s 8th Grade Science Grading Policy

    Tests = 20%

    Labs/projects = 20%

    Notebook (notes and PDNs) = 20%

    Assignments = 20%

    Quizzes = 20%

    It is imperative that you check your student’s grades at least weekly by logging into Skyward. If you have questions regarding grades or anything about Science class, please be in touch.

    Communication:  Please email me at shebelockj@hasdk12.org with any questions or concerns at any time. I will do my best to answer promptly.


    Science is a hands-on laboratory class.  Students will be doing many laboratory activities that may require the use of chemicals, laboratory equipment, and other items which, if used incorrectly, can be hazardous.  My 8th grade science class is not primarily a lab class, but we will be doing a few labs that require students to understand the basics of lab safety.

    1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. No horseplay of any kind will be tolerated.
    2. Do your share of the lab; do not rely on your lab partner to do all the work.  Before starting the lab, work out a way to share the responsibilities.
    3. When first entering a science room, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so.   The lab also has many items in storage; do NOT poke around in cabinets or drawers.
    4.  Read lab instructions carefully.  Many questions you might have are answered in your lab handout.   Do not skip steps, follow the directions in the order they are given.  
    5. You may be required to wear safety goggles – usually when chemicals or glassware is involved in the lab.
    6. Keep your area clean and free of clutter.  Backpacks should be left in the classroom or stored at the front of the lab where no one will trip over them.   Leave your lab table the way you found it.
    7.  Do not wander around the room, distract other students, startle other students or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.   Stay in your assigned area; do not “visit” your friends on the other side of the lab.
    8. Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including: first aid kit(s), and fire extinguisher.  Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located.
    9.  Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the teacher.
    10. All chemicals in the laboratory are considered dangerous. Avoid handling chemicals with hands.
    11. Never remove equipment or chemicals from the lab, unless you are given permission.

    **Failure to follow lab safety rules will result in loss of lab privileges and a zero lab grade. **

    Parent Signature: ____________________Student Signature:_______________Date:________