    Classroom Rules and Procedures 
    -Students need to be prepared every day with their textbook, notebook, pencil, calculator and computer.
    -When entering the classroom, students will sit down and quietly work on the PDN (Please do now) assignment from the board. 
    -Students should be respectful of the teacher and other students in the classroom.
    Classroom Rules
    1. Listen while others are talking.
    2.  Follow directions.
    3.  Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    4.  Work quietly and do not disturb others.
    5. Show respect for school and personal property.
    6. Work and play in a safe manner.
    7. Always do your best.
    4 step process for Caring Discipline- When students do not follow rules and are disrespectful, there are consequences.
    1. A nonverbal warning
    2. A verbal warning
    3.  A private conversation
    4.  A phone call to parents and/or a referral to the office