- Maple Manor Elementary/Middle School
- Our Classroom Expectations
Pavlick, D
Mrs. Pavlick's Classroom Expectations
The learning environment in the classroom is most effective when students are respectful of each other in a safe environment where no one hurts themselves or others, both emotionally or physically. A students behavior should not interfere in the learning of others or keep the teacher from teaching. With these thoughts in mind, students will follow these classroom rules in order to create a positive and safe learning environment:
*Treat others with respect
*Listen when others are speaking
*Help others and ask for help when you need it
*Be productive and prepared, and use your time wisely
*DO THE RIGHT THING, even when no-one is lookingDISCIPLINEIf a student chooses to break any of the above agreements, there are consequences, which all students are made aware of at the beginning of the school year. Most problems are addressed with a verbal warning. Students who persist may miss special activities or have a Student Behavior Report sent home. Consistent communication with parents and reinforcement at home is an excellent way to show the students that we are working together as a team.Excessive, continuous, or extreme behavior disruptions may result in a phone call to the parents, a meeting with Mr. Williams, our principal/Mr. Flaim, our vice principal/Miss Ferdinand, our school guidance counselor, or the elimination of certain privileges, such as field trips or activity days.Appropriate and responsible behavior is recognized and rewarded. I am a strong believer in the power of verbal praise and encouragement!HOMEWORK
Parents are key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Parents should provide:
1)necessary supplies
2)a quiet homework environment3) a daily homework time
4) praise and support
Parents can find out what work has been assigned by checking my website daily.
Every student is also required to record their assignments and due dates in his/her Planner.
A list of homework assignments and due dates will be posted in my classroom as well.
No late assignments will be accepted for full credit.
All assignments must be turned in; students should have no missing work.
Assignments must be completed before students arrive at school and be turned in at the beginning
of class.
In the event of illness, parents may call the office to request homework on the day of absence. The work will be in the office for your child after 2:00 PM that day.
Various concepts can take extra time to master. Therefore I am always here for the students to conference with if extra help is needed.
Success in school, like many things in life, requires consistent daily effort. It is most important that
students ask for help whenever they need it, either from other students in the class,
their parents or their teacher. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.