Parent Resources 
The connection between school and home is vital to the success of all students, particularly those who may be at-risk. Parents and teachers must work together to enhance student achievement. Below are links to assist parents/guardians in helping their child(ren) to achieve to their fullest potential.
PA Core Standards and Academic Standards: As part of the new regulations, Pennsylvania’s Core Standards offer a set of rigorous, high-quality academic expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics that all students should master by the end of each grade level. The PA Core Standards are robust and relevant to the real world and reflect the knowledge and skills our young people need to succeed in life after high school, in both post-secondary education and a globally competitive workforce.
PSSA: Each Spring grades 3-8 complete the PA State Assessment in English/Language Arts and Math (4th and 8th in Science as well). The PSSA assessment provides students, parents, educators, and citizens with an understanding of student and school performance related to the attainment of proficiency of the academic standards. For additional information and practice assessment materials, please check this website:
PSSA Performance Data: (Click on "find your school," type in your school's name for the results)
Helping Students with Reading Skills: Parents/guardians can help their child with reading skills in a number of ways. Below are suggestions how parents/guardians may strengthen student achievement in Reading.
Helping Students with Math Skills: Parents/guardians may assist their child with learning math skills. Below are suggestions how parents/ guardians may strengthen student achievement in Math.
Helping Students with Homework: Practicing important skills learned in school at home is vital to a student's success. Parents/guardians may help their child improve student achievement with these helpful links: