- Hazleton Area School District
- Complaint Procedures Policy
Federal Programs
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HASD Contact:
Dr. Brian T. Uplinger
Superintendent of Schools, Superintendente de escuelas
Hazleton Area School District, Distrito Escolar del Área de Hazleton
1515 West 23rd Street
Hazle Township, PA 18202-1647
Ph: (570) 459-3111 ext. 3152
Fx: (570) 459-3118
Web: http://www.hasdk12.org
Twitter: @buplinger
Dr. Michelle Zukoski / Mrs. Lindsay Wagner
Director of Federal Programs / Supervisor of ELD
1515 West 23rd Street
Hazle Township, PA 18202-1647
Ph: (570) 459-3111 ext. 3555 / 3888
zukoskim@hasdk12.org / wagerl@hasdk12.org