The Hazleton Area School District has implemented a new computerized visitor management system inside all our schools.
We believe the implementation of this new technology will benefit you, your child, and the district in many ways and we hope that you will take advantage of the many convenient features the system has to offer.
~~~ Any visitor entering any of the above schools will be required to provide a state issued photo ID which will be scanned by school personnel. The system instantly captures the name, photo, and the birth date of the visitor and when this successfully occurs the software compares the identity of the visitor with the national sex offender registry. If a positive match occurs, district personnel will be immediately and discreetly alerted.
~~~ This system offers the protection of your child from a spouse with a restraining order. Be it partial custody or no custody, if you provide our district with the proper court documents and the identity of your spouse the software will alert district personnel of an attempted, non-authorized visit.
~~~ The new technology allows you to create approved pick-up lists for your son or daughter. When an attempted pick-up does occur, and a successful scan is performed, district personnel instantly see if the person picking up your child is an approved guardian. If they do not appear on the list, we will not grant permission for that person to take your child from our school. We ask that you provide us with as much information about the person or person's you will allow to pick up your child. This information should be provided to the school office according to their procedure as soon as possible.
We are very excited about this new project and we hope you will share our enthusiasm during the implementation of this new technology.