• Classroom Procedures for
    Mr. Kringe

    Rules & procedures are necessary for all types of employment. The following procedures will be what is expected of you to ensure a safe, successful experience in my classroom. Follow BEST Procedures!
    How to enter Mr. Kringe's Classroom
    All students will enter the classroom on time.
    Have the necessary books & equipment (pencil, book, & notebook).
    Sit in your assigned seat and you may talk quietly until I am ready to start class.
    Sharpen your pencil before class begins.
    No fooling around in the classroom before class.
    During Class
    If you have a question, raise your hand.
    When questions are being asked, please be respectful and pay attention.
    When finished with your work you may work on homework, read, or do a TDA.
    No speaking a foreign language unless permission is granted.
    Be respectful & polite-- no swearing, teasing, or vulgar language.
    Group Rules
    All students must remain in their assigned areas- no wandering.
    All students must follow the safety guidelines/rules that have been explained.
    Horesplay or any other unwelcomed behavior will not be tolerated. You will receive a zero for that activity.
    The group must finish that task in the time frame provided.
    Clean up your work area when finished.
    If you miss a class....
    It is your responsibility to make up any missed work. Come see me and we can talk about what you missed. All assignments not made up by the end of the quarter will result in a zero. 
    Little Arrow Requirements: science notebook, folder, pen/pencil. 
    Little Arrow Most Quizzes are open notebook.
    Little Arrow A good, well-organized notebook will be very valuable to you in this class!