- Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School
- Online Instruction - Week 5
Weekly Online Schedule
Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Schaeffer Teacher’s Email : schaefferm@hasdk12.org
Students and parents should complete all of the assignments listed below every day. Take your time and do the assignments when you can. Develop a daily routine. Students and parents should work together.
Los estudiantes y los padres deben completar todas las tareas que se enumeran a continuación todos los días. Tómese su tiempo y haga las tareas cuando pueda. Desarrollar una rutina diaria. Los estudiantes y los padres deben trabajar juntos.
1. Watch The Morning Routine Observar una Rutina Matutina
Click here (Haga clic aquí) for the Morning Routine
2. Watch this week's lesson-You should complete this by the end of the week.
Vea la lección de hoy-Usted debe completar esto por [ fecha ]
Click here (Haga clic aquí) for today’s lesson in Reading
Click here (Haga clic aquí) for today’s lesson in Math
Complete the assignments below by [ date] Haga clic aquí para la lección de hoy
-Listen to the story What's That Sound - Spelling Practice Ou and Ow Video - Spelling Words Unit 5.4 Worksheet
-Math Video Ordering Length-Math Video Measurement-Math Worksheet Measuring Length
Mrs. Wagner's Students
Miss Burkholder's Students
Miss McNulty's Students
3. Login to Raz Kids - Read the Raz Kid’s Book your teacher assigned. Answer the questions after you read the book
Entrar a Raz Kids - Lea el Libro de Raz Kid que su maestro le asignó. Responda a las preguntas después de leer el libro
Click here (Haga clic aquí) Login to Raz Kids Look for the Rocket for your assignment
4. Login to Imagine Language & Literacy and Imagine Math for 20 minutes each
Inicie sesión para Imagine Lenguaje & Alfabetización e Imagine Matemáticas durante 20
minutos cada uno
Click here (Haga clic aquí) to log in to Imagine Learning
Click login with LDAP, type your username and password. Orange for Math & Blue for Reading.
Haga clic en login con LDAP, escriba su nombre de usuario y contraseña. Naranja para matematicas & Azul para Literatura.
5. Login to Starfall for 15 Minutes
Tell your parents about something you liked and something you learned.
Inicia sesión en Starfall durante 15 minutos
Dile a tus padres lo que te gustó y algo que aprendiste.
Click here (Haga clic aquí) to log into Starfall
6. Weekly Assignments
Music https://www.hasdk12.org/Page/29401
Art https://www.hasdk12.org/Page/29466
Gym https://www.hasdk12.org/Page/28558
Interventions https://www.hasdk12.org/Page/31012
Asignaciones semanales7. Optional Writing Prompt -
Opcional Escritura Rapida -8. Optional -
Click here (Haga clic aquí) for links to Extra Practice