•                                                                                                 Career & Technical Exploration
    Class Participation 20%
    Exercise Questions 25%
    Assignments (Classwork) & Quizzes 25%
    Tests 30%
    Students MUST do three tasks upon entering the classroom:
    1. Place their phone in the assigned phone caddy. Not doing so, phones will be taken to administration. No exceptions.
    2. Students will check Microsoft Teams for any new or past communications. Especially to be reminded of due dates.
    3. Students will check Skyward to see any missed or overdue assignments that may have a zero grade and remind themselves of successful grades.
    Class Participation
    Students MUST bring their assigned laptop to class every day! NOT DOING SO, WILL REDUCE YOUR CLASS PARTICIPATION GRADE!
    Students will attend class and work for the entire period. No frequent lateness, no leaving early without permission. 
    Students will READ and click a "Thumbs Up" on communication on "Posts" in the General Channel of MS Teams.
    Classwork Requirements
    All overdue MyCareerTech assignments must be made up with in 1 week of the Test date, otherwise a permanant zero will be issued.
    Students will complete online Exercise Questions on MS Teams, MyCareerTech. com, and Gimkit vocabulary assignments. 
    Chapter assignments Gimkit.com must be completed by due date to receive full credit (100% grade).  After the Gimkit.com due date, students will receive a zero grade for the assignment.  These assignments are available to do for homework online 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
    Chapter Exercise Questions must be completed with a minimum 92% score. Students may use the open book text to complete the questions accurately. Retakes will be allowed at the discretion of Mr. Klingaman.  Scores 69% and below no score will be recorded.Then students must take each Chapter Test.
    Periodically students will visit Program Shops. Students earn the right to visit Shops by completing work by the due dates. Students will be denied Shop visitation until assigned work is completed. No student will be allowed to go to a Shop with a failing grade.
    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________      Career Exploration Family Consumer Science
    Computer Applications
    Class Participation/Observation 20%
    Classwork/Electronic Worksheets 25%
    Quizzes 25%
    Tests 30%

    Students must do three tasks upon entering the classroom:

    1. Students must put their phone in their assigned phone caddy. Purposely keeping it will result in it being confiscated and taken to HACC administration. 

    2. Students will login to Microsoft Teams to check for new posts and remind themselves of any past posts.

    3. Students will login to Skyward to check individual assignments, quizzes or test grades to see if they need to make up any zeros and be reminded of good grades.

    Students MUST bring their assigned laptop to class every day!  NOT DOING SO, WILL REDUCE YOUR CLASS PARTICIPATION GRADE!

    Students will look for assignments and due dates DAILY on Microsoft Teams "posts" tab in the General Channel. After reading the post, students will click a "thumbs up" to acknowledge the post has been read. This will affect your class participation grade at the end of the quarter.

    Student work will be done on Mycareertech.com and  icev.com     https://login.icevonline.com/Login

    Some student work will be done on www.quizlet.com, gimkit.com, and Microsoft Teams

    Students must do all work individually unless authorized to do so.

    Quizlet and Gimkit assignments must be completed by the end of class on the posted due date on MS Teams.


    Student participation is based on

    1. READING and Clicking "Thumbs up" on MS Teams "Posts". Especially assignment due dates.

    2. Activity/Time on icev.com.

    3. Verbal participation on in class discussions and powerpoints.

    4. Active inquiring on improving their work.

    5. Keeping up with the pace of school work.

    6. Come to class on time.

    ICEV Classwork
    Students must do all work individually. Electronic worksheets must be put into your own words and completed by the start of the quiz time and date or a zero will be issued. Any copying of work from another student is considered cheating and is subject to a zero grade. Students must study e-worksheet questions and answers to do well on the quizzes and tests. Students should watch each module video at least twice.
    The system will not allow you to take the quiz unless you complete the module video. 
    Quiz grades will not be counted unless electronic worksheets are completed. 
    Students must contact Mr. Klingaman to grade past due assignments (such as electronic worksheets). Past due electronic worksheets will receive a maximum score of 50%.
    No make up quizzes or tests will be given until student has completed the Unit the class is currently working on.
    My Career Tech
    Students must watch the assigned video and complete the assigned Guided Notes. Students will use the Guided Notes to take the Guided Notes Quiz on Teams. Afterwards, Students will re-watch the video and take the corresponding Test.