Welcome to the HACC Guidance Department


    ⇒ Important Announcements

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    Juniors - PSAT 11 - Sign-ups are Happening NOW! 


    Seniors - Start your College Applications


    SAT Testing - Saturday, October 5th 

    Deadline to sign-up for SAT Test is September 20th. 






    Financial Aid Night 

    Fall 2025 - TBA

    Please join us for the second financial aid night.

    Presented by PHEAA.

    Location: Main High School Building

    Time: TBA






    ACT 158

    Please read the new State requirements here!







    School recruiters have been in touch with us to set up 

    Lunch Information Meetings

    All meetings will be scheduled through Guidance.

    Dates of meetings will be placed on our school calendar. 

    Please contact Mr. Teter or Mrs. Papa  if you are interested. 

    Mr. Teter: teter@hasdk12.org

    Mrs. Papa: papao@hasdk12.org


    Click here for School Calendar 





    Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is offering webinars for families.

    Webinars are informational and topics range from:

    Filing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®)

    Borrowing for your Education - Student Loans

    Covering the Gap of Educational Costs and more. 


    Please click the link below to find a webinar that fits your needs. 

    ⇒  Download Here: Borrowing for Education Presentation


    Link to PHEAA Virtual Presentation & Registrations Here 


    National Honor Society - Click Here to Go To the National Honor Society Web Page

    National Honor Society Applications for those seniors who were invited last year to apply for the National Honor Society are due by Wednesday, September 23 at 4PM. The preferred way to return your application is to scan it and email it to Mr. Turri at turrijas@hasdk12.org. Applications can also be returned to the main office of Hazleton Area High School. More information is on the NHS page in the club section of the high school website. Contact Mr. Turri with any questions.