- Hazleton Area Career Center
- Community Resources - Food, Shelter, Mental Health
Student/Family Resources
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Community Resources
Food, Heat, Rent, Clothes
In an emergency, if you cannot find any other options, dial 911
Local Food Pantries:Some location's hours may be impacted by COVID-19. Call or email pantries to find updated information on when services are available. Looking for assistance?www.dhs.pa.gov
PA - 211If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don’t know where to look, PA 211 is a great place to start. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to #898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free.www.pa211.orgSalvation Armyhttps://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/get_help_paying_rent.html
They offer not only help with goods but with rent, heat, or other financial emergencies.There is a search box above to find local programs that can offer help with paying rent or other housing costs. The search feature is also effective at locating local agencies for referrals.Be sure to type in your need (such as need help for back rent), city, county, or state to search for assistance.www.needhelppayingbills.comCEO100 W Broad St #11 Hazleton, PA 18201hazletonpacoc.weblinkconnect.comThe United wayThey also are associated with CEO but have many programs under their umbrella.I would contact your local chapter from the website and let them know whereyou need the help, rent, food, monetary.Mountain Top Food PantryMountain Top, PA - 18707 Phone: 570-474-6616www.foodpantries.orgHASD Food Pantry at Hazle ElementaryRegister here:CEO Food Bank**Call ahead to make sure the pantry hours have not changed during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Many pantries are operating differently to keep people safe!** If you cannot locate a pantry near you - please call CEO's main office for a pantry referral: 570-826-0510 or 800-822-0359 Apply for SNAP benefits (food stamps): online at www.compass.state.pa.us or apply by phone by ...www.ceopeoplehelpingpeople.orgMental Health Resources
In an emergency, if you cannot find any other options, dial 911
Links to agencies and their contact information:
Northeast Counseling
Counseling, Mental Health and CRISIS Services
750 E. Broad Street, Hazleton
Victim's Resource Center
Services for the Victims of Crimes and their Families
71 N. Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre
Community Counseling Services
Counseling, Mental Health and CRISIS Services
110 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Wilkes-Barre
Pathways to Recovery
Drug and Alcohol Counseling
223 West Broad Street, Hazleton
Children's Service Center of Wyoming Valley
Counseling, Mental Health and CRISIS Services
335 S. Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre
Omni Health Services Inc.
Mental Health and Counseling Services
1747 B East Broad Street, Hazleton
Children’s Behavior Health Services
Luzerne County Child and Youth Services
Facebook COVID 19 Support Group
Reporting Child Abuse or Domestic Abuse
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline