• Hass Mill Hass Lathe alt.text

    Mr. Joseph Chicalese
    Email: chicalesejo@hasdk12.org
    (570) 459-3221 ext. 82500
    Grade (s): 10-12
    Subject (s): Precision Machine

    Welcome to the web page for Precision Machine Technology at the Hazleton Area Career Center. Precision Machine Technology is a three year, three level course which offers students instruction in this technical field.
    Students are taught safety, shop math and blueprint reading. Level one students then will learn how to safely use such equipment as a drill press, pedestal grinder, vertical and horizontal band saws and the engine lathe.
    When students move onto level two they will continue to build upon what they learned in level one and move on to more complex projects on the engine lathe as well as beginning instruction on the vertical and horizontal milling machines.

    Students who move onto level three will continue to develop their skills on the manual machines and will learn basic programming and operation of high tech CNC machines.

    All of the skills learned in this educational process are skills that can be applied when employed in the work force. Students may also qualify for a co-op program.