- Hazleton Area High School
Graphing Sine/Cosine functions
p. 150 9-12 P 150 9-12 ANSWERS
UPDATE 3/16/20... As per Superintendent Uplinger, there will be no on-line instruction at this time. No need to continue with the above assignments until you and I get more information from Hazleton Area School District sources. For now, be safe and hope to see you all soon.
UPDATE 4/19/20... As per Superintendent Uplinger, online Review and Enrichment will be provided online. Follow link below for more specific information for us....:)
*** Please contact me so I can see which of you are getting this information. I sent a group message on SKYWARD Messages so you can reply there, or use school email (milotf@hasdk12.org) as well.
UPDATE 4/25/20... I have a review sheet for you called Special Triangles for this week. This sheet will help you work with the special angles that we deal with all the time in Trig. After you work through this page, you will find an answer key as you scroll down that will allow you to check your progress. Again, I hope you and your families are all well as we work through this tough time. Good luck....:)