• HAHS Annual Senior Awards Program  2019-2020

    The Hazleton Area High School is proud to announce The Class of 2020 Senior Award Winners. We have been, and we continue to be fortunate to have so many generous sponsors offer monetary awards to a large number of our graduating seniors. Throughout the school year, members of our senior class are encouraged to apply for these awards via the guidance office. The applications are submitted to our sponsors, who, in turn, choose the winners based upon their specific criteria. A number of our students are fortunate recipients of more than one award.

    We are blessed with generous organizations that sponsor our annual senior awards. Thank you to all sponsors for both your kindness and your generosity in assisting our Hazleton Area High School award-recipient seniors with the costs of their higher education pursuits. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to helping our students on an annual basis. Senior awards will be distributed with the 2020 diplomas on June 4th.

    Thank you,

    Rocco Petrone


    Hazleton Area High School


    Scholarship Recipient
    Alexis Memorial Award TBA
    American Red Cross Scholarship Dylan Ponchery
    Anonymous Scholarship Kayla Dickert
    Bernie "Picket" Koskulitz & Charles "Pills" Powell Memorial Scholarship Scott Campbell, Matt Fisher, Marina O'Hara 
    Cynthia Parva Prize for Exceptional Promise in the Performing Arts Noah Witner
    Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Sigma Chapter, Alpha Alpha State 2020 Dinangeli Diaz
    Drums Lioness Award Brinn Gammer 
    Edward and Dolores Olexa Memorial Scholarship Caitlin Chartrand and Matthew Hartz
    Freeland Rotary Club "Service Above Self" Award Rose Flanigan
    Freeland YWCA Aleah Kost
    Future Business Leaders of America Awards (FBLA) Joseph Halcisak, Ute Pepen, Erica Trella, Natalie Tihansky, Andrew Vayda
    Geraldine Shepperson Memorial Award Jaden Chambers
    H.A.H.S.  Band Parent Association Scholarship Hailey Dudinyak
    H.A.H.S. Field Hockey Booster Club Award TBA
    H.A.H.S. Fine Arts Award Karla Dayelin and Consuegra Calderon 
    HAHS- Honors Visual Art Award  Abigail Heffelfinger
    H.A.H.S. Key Club Service Award Hannah Kunetz and Ample Singh  
    H.A.H.S. Volleyball Booster Club Award Faith Grula     Maddison Plesh       Olivia Racho
    Hazleton Area Education Association Educational Awards Catherine Balay. Jasmine Beiler, Frederick Blase, Lance Book, Scott Campbell, Marin Dremock, Charles Everdale, Giovanni Forte, Michael Gadola, Matthew Hartz, Jenna Kirpa, Jack Klingaman, Jake Marnell, Julia McNelis, Ezekiel Milot, Mackenzie Milot, Olivia Racho, Martha Reed, Gianna Steber, Natalie Tihansky, Erica Trella, Marissa Trivelpiece,  Andrew Vayda, Summer Whitley, Sal Wills
    Hazleton Rotary Memorial Scholarship Brinn Gammer   Joseph Halcisak  Marin Dremock
    James P. Veglia Memorial Scholarship Marissa Clatch and Hailey Dudinyak
    John Gould Kiwanis Jasmine Beiler
    John Philip Sousa
    Summer Whitley
    John J. Podlesney Softball Leadership Award Tiana Rose Treon and Marissa Lee Trivelpiece
    Joseph A. Maddon
    Sr., Scholarship
    Verina Gad 
    Joseph F. Mattavi Memorial Scholarship Frederick Blase
    Joseph and Margaret Bayzick Memorial Scholarship Dylan Ponchery 
    Kevin Karl Music Scholarship Fund Hailey Dudinyak
    LIU-Annual Scholarshp Program (Elizabeth Caldwaller) Jillian Buchman
    Lawrence C. Gallagher Memorial Scholarship Izabel Kislan and Kylie Reshetar
    Leonard Williams "Big Red" Scholarship   Brinn Gammer
    Louis Armstrong Jazz Award Austin Pliska
    Mary Santella Swart Award TBA
    Nuremberg Achievement Award Ridge Donlin
    Reba-Getz STEM Scholarship Christian Suarez
    Robert E. Marchetti Jr. Memorial Scholarship Lance Book and Marissa Lee Trivelpiece
    Robert G. Stetz Memorial Award Austin Pliska
    Ryanne Cara Memorial Scholarship Brinn Gammer and Abby Tomczak
    Samuel B. Effie Snyder Memorial Award Abigail Heffelfinger
    Schuylkill County Fire Assoication Award Jocelyn Belletiere
    SPEAK UP and REACH OUT Award In Memory of Kyle David Koslop Brinn Gammer 
    Steven P. Geraci and Paul W. Penkala Memorial Friendship Scholarship Scott Campbell and Kayla Dickert
    Academic Excellence Award
    Brian Bartal  Brinn Gammer Ashley John
    Thomas J. "Bumps" Conahan Scholarship Kylie Reshetar
    Thomas Scambia Award Faith Grula and Andrew Vayda
    Tim Martin Memorial Scholarship Brinn Gammer
    U.S. Marine Corps  "Semper Fidelis" Award Matthew Muse and Hannah Kunetz
    West Hazleton Alumni Scholarship TBA
    White Haven Lions Club Award Kayla Dickert