• Testing Procedures for
    Mrs. Gavio
    At this time, all grading will be based on your participation in Microsoft Teams meetings, as well as, your completion of posted assignments!
    1.   25%-While working in all of the areas, the students will be improving their transferrable work skills. These skills are sometimes referred to as “soft skills.” These are skills that make a person successful in a workplace. We will be role-playing and discussing ways to become successful employees.  Such skills include: maintaining eye contact, working steadily, employing proper hygiene, demonstrating flexibility, etc.
    2.      25%-Kitchen
    3.      25%-Laundry
    4. 25%-Coffee Cart/Workshop Skills
    Students will be assessed in each of the rotations by demonstrating the learned tasks. Success will be measured utilizing the PASA scoring rubric listed below.

    PASA Scoring Rubric

    5-Performs the task independently

    4-Performs the task with 1-2 verbal prompts

    3-Performs the task after a model is provided

    2-Requires handover hand assistance

    1-Performs the task incorrectly with hand over hand assistance

    0-Does not attempt the skill