- Hazleton Area High School
- Grading Policy
Mr. McBride's Grading Policy
Tests / Projects = 25%Participation = 25%
Homework = 10%
Quizzes = 15%
Tests / Projects
A chapter test or project will be given as an assessment to student’s knowledge at the end of each chapter.
1. Tests will be announced at least 1 day in advance with a review given the day before the test.
2. Students are responsible to take the test if even if they are not present for review, as all notes and slides will have been completed. (The review should be thought of as a bonus for students who attend it)
3. Cell phone usage is against school policy, however, anybody caught using a cell phone during the test will not only have their phone taken, but will receive an automatic “0” on the test as well.
4. I will make a general reminder the day after the test for those students who need to make it up. After that it is the student’s responsibility to come to me to make up a missed test.
5. Students will have up to 5 school days to make up a test. After that an automatic “0” will be recorded as the test score until it is made up.
6. All testing information can be found on the classes’ webpage and announced in class, therefore there should be no problem taking or making up any tests.
1. Projects will usually be done in groups.
2. Grading Rubrics for projects will be handed out first. This ensures all students know what is required for all parts of the group work.3. Time will be given in and out of class to complete most group projects.4. Each member is responsible for completing different portions of the group’s project (for example if a project consists of 5 parts, one student should not complete them all and have the other two do nothing. If this is a problem the student should contact me and I will adjust the grades as such).
5. Every day the project is late 10 points will be deducted from the final grade.
6. If one person is absent and has all or parts of the groups work it will not be counted as late. However, students are encouraged to arrive with their completed projects on time.
1. A final exam will be given at the end of the semester.
2. The same rules apply for the exam as they would any other test. However, exams if you are absent on an exam day it should be made up on the designated exam make up day. If a student does not make up the exam a grade of "0" will be given.
1. Every student starts off with a “100” for participation.
2. They lose points based on three things: attendance, preparedness, behavior.
a. Attendance 8 – 10 days = - 50 points
b. 11 – 13 days = - 60 points
c. 14 – 16 days = - 70 points
d. 17 – 19 days = - 80 points
e. 20 + days = -100 points
3. Students will lose points at my discretion for any of the following acts: arriving to class late, sleeping in class, not having a book, notebook, or writing utensil, or disruptive behavior.
1. A quiz will be given every chapter. Sometime twice.
2. It will either be vocabulary based or focus on a specific section or sections.
3. Quizzes will be announced at least one day in advance.
4. Cell phone usage is against school policy, however, anybody caught using a cell phone during the quiz will not only have their phone taken, but will receive an automatic “0” on the quiz as well.5. The day after the quiz I will make one general reminder that students who missed it must make it up. After that it is the STUDENTS responsibility to ask me for the make up.6. Students will have 5 school days to make up the quiz. Those not made up will receive an automatic “0” until it is made up.
7. All quiz information can be found on the classes’ webpage and announced in class, therefore there should be no problem taking or making up any tests.
1. Homework will usually be collected only once or twice per chapter studied, but will be made up of several assignments
2. The grading weight of each assignment will depend on how many assignments are due. For example, if there are four assignments due each assignment will be worth 25% of the homework grade for that chapter.
3. 10 points will be taken off homework assignments for each day they are late.
4. After 5 days an automatic “0” will be assigned for that homework grade