You will be graded based on quizzes (both announced and unannounced) chapter tests, projects, labs, homework assignments, participation, and comprehensive exams.
25% Classwork/Homework most students do poorly in Biology because they do not keep up with these assignments. Turning in assignments late, even later on in the class, will result in a grade deduction. After 1 week, work will not be accepted and your grade will be a "0".
25% Projects/Labs
10% Quizzes normally announced; also posted on my webpage on the Calendar.
20% Tests ALWAYS announced; also posted on my webpage on the Calendar; some alternative assignments or projects may count as test grades.
20% Exam cumulative and will include all material covered up to the test date
The grading scale is: A = 93 - 100 B = 85 - 92 C = 77 - 84 D = 70 - 76 Failure = 69 and Below