•           Welcome to the  Hazleton Area
                              Sport Shooting Club
        2016 National Champions- Trap!!! 
                                 Advisor: Ms. Stacy McCuen
                            570-459-3221@ HAHS or HEMS (to leave a message)
     Head coach- Mr. Joseph Gans
     Mr. Dave Darrough- Skeet, Mr. John Cibulish-Trap, Mr. Wesley Puterbaugh-Sporting Clays, Mr. Joey Gans, Mr. Bill Duffy- Sporting Clays
    Asst. Coaches- Mr. Ren Pelszynski, Mr. Thomas Fuccile
    Welcome back! Please see below, for the Fall 2024 schedule.
    FALL PRACTICE BEGINS NEXT WEEK!!! As always, 5:30 p.m.
    ***FALL SCHEDULE 2024
              September 11, 25
              October 9, 16
              November 6, 20
              September 18
              October 2, 16, 30
              November 13, 27
    The FALL Trap dues are TBD
                Skeet dues are TBD
    SCTP Pa Shoot, Generations Skeet Club, Patton PA  May 
    SCTP Trap Competition SCTP Elysburg June 
    Sporting Clay's Competition- Lawrence County, Wampum PA June 
    SCTP National Championships, Marengo OH July 
    NEW SHOOTERS! We will be recruiting new members this fall. However, we will not be holding the safety course until probably October. If you are interested in joining, please email Ms. McCuen, mccuens@hasdk12.org  with your name, age, building you attend, grade, and contact information. You will then be contacted when we have the required safety course dates set. Thank you for your patience with us. 
    You will need this form filled out and signed before the course begins: Please click on the referral form link, print and have signed.
    The dates of this course will be determined at a later date.
    To be elgible for this club you must meet all criteria:
    *No serious discipline referrals in the past year. I will be contacting each school beforehand to check grades and any discipline referrals.
    *No suspensions due to fighting and or violence, threats etc.
    *A "C" grade point average or better
    *Pass the safety course
    *In 7th grade or higher
    *At least 12 years old 
    I would like to thank all of our coaches and parent volunteers for their dedication to this club! Without them we would not have such a successful team. Their time, dedication, patience, and support for our students is evident in all of  the accomplishments the team has made.  THANK YOU!!!!! Sincerely, Ms. McCuen
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