• Welcome to the Hazleton Area Ski Club Website!
    Fun at Big Boulder  
    Club Description:

    The Ski Club is a group of Hazleton Area High School students that travel to various Pennsylvania Ski Resorts. Students take ski and snowboard lessons, and have time to practice their skills on the many trails and hills. The students have a great time with each other and on the snow. The discounted group rate makes skiing and boarding an affordable sport for all to enjoy. 
    If you cannot make it please email me at pryzblickl@hasdk12.org.  
    Contacts: Ski Club Advisor - Dr. Pryzblick - Hazleton Area Carrer Center
    We will be skiing/snowboarding/snowtubing at Montage Mountain Resort as our mountain for  ski/snowboard/snowtubing season on Fridays in January, February, and March
    Trip Dates:
    Montage (Fridays after school leave 4:30pm from High School return 10pm): 

    Forms (2):
    1. Ski Club Permission Slip  -> Ski Club Permission Form 2019-2020
    2. Drug/Alcohol Forms (9-12th grade only) -> download, read, print, sign, and return last page only to building contact click here -> https://www.hasdk12.org/Page/15065
    *All forms return to Dr.Pryzblick
    *All money hand to Dr.Pryzblick
     Meeting Minutes:
     - 2:40-3:30pm room #716 STEM - club introductions, went over trip itinerary, dates, and costs.  Handed out ski club permission slip.
     - 3-4pm High School Auditorium - club introductions, went over trip itinerary, dates, and costs.  Handed out ski club permission slip.
    Pictures from 1/10/16 Big Boulder Trip 
     Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16 Big Boulder 1_10_16
    Montage 1/31/16
    Montage 1/31/16  
    Montage 2/21/16
    Montage1  Montage2 Montage3 Montage4 Montage6 Montage7
     Montage and Big Boulder 2017 Trips
    Big Boulder  
    Big Boulder 1/19/18
    Big Boulder 1_19_18
    Big Boulder 1/26/18
    Big Boulder 1/26/18
    Big Boulder 2/2/18
    Big Boulder 2/2/18  
    Big Boulder 2/9/18
    Big Boulder 2/9/18
    Big Boulder 3/9/18
    Big Boulder 3/9/18
    Big Boulder 1/11/19
    Big Boulder 1/11/19
    Big Boulder 1/25/19
    Big Boulder 1_25_19
    Big Boulder 2/1/19
    Big Boulder 2/1/19
    Big Boulder 2/8/19
    Big Boulder 2/8/19
    Big Boulder 2/22/19
    Big Boulder 2/22/19