• We have 57 Hawk Eyes
    and need 3 more for a PoPsIcLe pArTy! :)
    Welcome to Mrs. Orfield's Kindergarten
    Each day I’ll do my best,

    And I won’t do any less.
    My work will always please me,
    And I won’t accept a mess.
    I’ll color very carefully,
    My writing will be neat.
    And I simply won’t be happy
    ‘Til my papers are complete.
    I’ll always do my homework,
    And I’ll try on every test.
    And I won’t forget my promise--
    To do my very best!


    Classroom Rules:

    1. Be Kind


    2. Keep your hands to yourself


    3. Raise your hand


    4. Ask to leave your seat


    5. Always show HAWK PRIDE!



    As part of Mrs. Orfield's Classroom each student is responsible for showing PRIDE:


     P- PROUD to be me(Liking and Caring about yourself)

    R- RESPECT for others (Treating others how I want to be treated )

    I- I will be READY(Having what I need, being on time )

    D- Do the SAFE thing (Free from danger,harm or injury)

    E- Everyone can LEARN!