•  Course Description

    HIS 202 American History Since 1865 focuses on the development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era to the present; emphasis is given to late nineteenth and twentieth century industrialization, the expansion of government, the emergence of the industrial-urban society and America's status as a world power.

    This course covers from the emergence of industry and expansion of the United States to the major events in today’s world. Emphasis is placed on social, economic, and political developments that lead to an understanding of today’s American society, its problems, and its achievements. Students will use many methods of learning as a gateway to applying and comprehending core content. This course will also focus on the development of students’ analysis, writing, and collaborative learning skills in preparation for their continuing academics.

    ***Writing, reading comprehension, and discussion will be major aspects of this course. Students will be asked to dig deep into history to formulate their own opinions and make connections throughout the course, as well as real world connections to truly grasp the content. It is imperative for students to not just memorize dates and names, but to take information learned and demonstrate their comprehension through in-class discussion, projects, and writing prompts, whether they are quizzes, tests, or Performance Tasks. This is to prepare students for future courses in high school, higher education courses, and everyday life.


    • Develop a base of substantive knowledge in the discipline of history.
    • Acquire the skills of critical thinking, reading, writing and research to apply knowledge of the past and advance professional development in history, social studies education and/or a related field.


    • Demonstrate knowledge of the major topics and themes in history.
    • Describe and apply research methods in history using both
    • qualitative and quantitative data, including primary and secondary source material.
    • Utilize critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry in their understanding of the past as well as in their articulation of that understanding.
    • Communicate effectively through traditional means (oral and written work), as well as through contemporary media and technology.

    Course Content: (Eight sections, four per quarter)

    • Emancipation & Reconstruction (1865-1877)
    • Big Business, Gilded Age, Conservatism, & Dissent (1865-1900)
    • Modern Government, Progressive Era, World Power, & Great War (1898-1919)
    • Prosperity & Depression (1920-1939)
    • World War II (1939-1945)
    • The Price of Power (1945-1980)
    • Culture Shift (1945-1980)
    • Reagan & America at the Turn of the Millennium (1980-present)