- Heights-Terrace Elementary / Middle School
- National Jr. Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
Advisors: Catherine Carrell and Kelli Holloman Gronsky
National Junior Honor Society is a prestigious society.
Eligible students in 7th and 8th grade who attend Heights Terrace Middle School
are chosen based on the following qualitites:
scholarship, leadership, character, service and citizenship.
1. Scholarship - students must have and maintain a 93% overall average
and an 87% overall in each class.
2. After students are selected based on scholarship, a list is given to all teachers to determine if those students also show the qualities of leadership, character, service and citizenship.
The National Junior Honor Society follows all national criteria.
The club runs every year from the start of the school year until the end of the school year.
Meetings occur after school, they run from 2:45 - 3:15 (depending on the agenda). The students also do activities
outside of the community that take place in different loactions and different times throughtout the year.